Saturday, May 19, 2007

Just What Is A Tarot Card Reader ---

by Visiting here you can learn how we read your cards, each day we will cover each off the 84 cards in a Tarot Card pack.

We are offering you a daily service to offer you your Horoscope

Just What Is A

Tarot Card Reader ---

The first type are the Psychic Tarot Card Readers.

The first being the reader who has studied the cards over a long period of time.Perhaps as an interest at first, then as they built up a knowledge and understanding, doing simple readings for family or friends then continuing their quest in learning the mystic art.

They have learnt the full meanings by reading some of the array of books on the subject. Normally these readers have built up their confidence over a long period of time. Along with their hard work and dedication in gaining the interpretations, they also go much deeper into their own Psychic.
Its the growing feeling of the power of the cards which is gained only by handling the Tarot Cards over a period of time giving you that knowledge.

It start to be second sense. You gradually gain the relationship of Tarot Cards to the person you are reading them for. No longer having to remember the explanations in the many books you have read. You arrive at your comfort zone with the Tarot, only then are they true Tarot Readers.

The second type are the Psychic Tarot Card Readers.

These are the spiritually gifted readers, who use their Spirit Guilds and the Tarot Cards together. They need still study for the understanding of their gift. Their gifts mature over time as they work them. They receive the power of the Tarot with their Psychic powers by handling the Tarot Cards to. Its that same handling of the cards that leads to their interpretation which is your Tarot Card Reading. These Tarot Card Readers normally try their new found Psychic powers on friends and family, before going out to apply their Gifts.

But remember Not all Tarot Card Readers are Psychic's but then not all Psychic's can read the Tarot

So which one do you go to ---- for myself both are more than able to offer me a Tarot Card Reading, so my choice would be on a personal level not a professional one. I would always choose the Tarot Reader who I felt most comfortable with

Denis Kermode has been running since 2000, giving daily horoscopes and free interpretation as well as 3 and 7 card readings by e-mail. He boasts that every reading is done as it comes in and dispatched within 24 hours. but normally much sooner. Also hosts a free blog on an interpretation of each card in the Tarot pack

By: tashk

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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Tarot Readers

click here to find the inside information on the means of each Tarot

your chance to have FREE Daily Horoscopes 

Tarot Readers

Tarot is a system of guidance as well as divination that people can use to process dilemmas pertaining to career, family or relationships. Tarot readers are experts who can interpret the meaning of the cards picked by the inquirers and guide them towards a possible and probable solution. Tarot card readers are well acquainted with the meanings of the cards and Tarot spreads that are used while performing a tarot reading.

Tarot readers can be approached to gain a better perspective of the situation that the inquirers may find themselves in. They put forward their queries in front of the Tarot card reader one at a time. For each question, the reader asks the inquirer to pick up a few cards, which the reader lays face down in a pattern, known as the Tarot spread. There are hundreds of tarot spreads that the reader can choose from, including self-created ones. The cards are then placed in the same sequence as they were on the designated positions. The Tarot card reader now turns the cards over and interprets the overall picture presented by the combination of cards picked, their positions on the spreads and the numbers depicted in each of the cards.

People approach professional tarot card readers to inquire about various aspects of their lives. The main responsibility of a tarot card reader is to offer insights to people who have to seek answers for their seemingly overwhelming problems. Tarot shows possibilities and projections and offers advice, and does not conform to any writing on the wall.

It is advisable for people to ask specific questions to the Tarot card readers as loosely formed questions usually fetch vague responses. It is not necessary for people to approach a professional tarot card reader every time. They can buy any popular deck that appeals to them and can do a reading for them. People can also go online and get free as well as professional reading through various websites.

Tarot provides detailed information on Tarot, Free Tarot Readings, Tarot Reading, Tarot Cards and more. Tarot is affiliated with Reading Tarot Cards.

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Tarot Cards & Tools

by Visiting here you can learn how we read your cards, each day we will cover each off the 84 cards in a Tarot Card pack.

We are offering you a daily service to offer you your Horoscope

Tarot Cards & Tools

Tarot cards are used as a tool for psychics to link in with spirits and guides to offer guidance that may relate to past, present and occasionally, the future.

Tarot cards can be laid out in various ways and any number of cards drawn. Some psychics may even use a combination of 2-3 tarot decks. Ultimately, the messages and guidance offered will be of meaning and of truth, and essentially, a message that needs to be given to the recipient.

All tarot cards come with meanings and some people may only use this way of giving readings. Some psychics however, will throw away the books accompanying the tarot cards, and use only links with spirit to give messages. These psychics/mediums use only information that is received on a truly spiritual link and are not practised in fictional fortune telling methods. The duration of tarot psychic readings given will vary.

How ever long or short the readings may be the messages given will be honest and give meaning and validation to the recipient.

Most authentic psychics will not elaborate or exaggerate any information to lengthen readings. When tools such as tarot are used, they are read using mediumistic and spiritual direction (intuition). This means that cards will be read on an individual basis for each person. For example, a person may choose three cards from the deck. E.g. Three of Swords, The Tower, The Priestess.

The psychic/medium will give their messages and guidance to this person. A second person can shuffle this same deck of tarot cards, and pull out these same three cards.
The messages given to this person will be different and have different validations.

There are many objects (tools) used by a medium of psychic to enable their connections to manifest in the same way as tarot. Some of these include crystals, crystal balls, colour, rune stones, angel cards, palmistry, psychometry etc.

To define your best method is to sit in a development circle or participate in a few specified workshops to find your niche and develop such skills with a reputable teaching medium.

By: Mark Barnes -
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Tarot Cards Home of spiritual products and giftware, including tarot cards, crystal balls, incense and more!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Tarot Reading

read your cards, each day we will cover

each off the 84 cards in a Tarot Card pack.

Tarot reading as an art and a science has been around for a long time. Originating in 15th Century Northern Italy, tarot cards were used for games initially, and packs at the time were made up of a normal deck of cards with the addition of 21 trump cards, 4 queens of each suite and a fool.

The original date of the use of this deck of cards or "tarocchi" deck is uncertain; however "The Oracles of Francesco Marcolino da Forli" in 1540 illustrates a simple form of divining from the coin suite of a standard pack of cards.

Later works by authors from Europe show the basic divinatory meanings of the cards, as well as the system for laying out the cards. In 1781 Antoine Court de Gebelin attempted to set out the history of tarot divination, as well as the detailed use of tarot to foretell the future, but unfortunately much of this is speculative. Whilst he alleged to be able to follow the tarot back to ancient Egypt or various other sources there is no proof of the tarot being used in practice in such places.

Tarot reflects the symbolism of the Middle Ages, and people at the time would recognise the images portrayed on the cards, many of which may look somewhat mysterious today.

tarot cards were not generally accepted as a method of divination until the 18th and 19th Centuries, when their use by secret societies, mystics and occultists brought them into much more regular use.

Interest in tarot developed much more widely in the 19th Century, starting in Napoleon's time and particularly as a result of the Hermetic Revival where other occultists took a greater notice.

It is generally credited to Eliphas Levi that the tarot system we know today was brought into the English language and his method of divination is still very much in use by many people.

1910 saw a major increase in tarot with the publication if the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, which included symbolic images relating to the meanings to be divined from the numerical cards. 20th Century marketing ensured that these particular tarot cards have remained probably the most generally used even to this day, although a great variety is still to be had.

Tarot reading has also improved with the times and divinations by experts have now become increasingly available from specialists on the internet. This ability to go straight to the experts has revolutionised the psychic possibilities available to most people, and more and more people are going directly to the web for a tarot reading rather than relying on less expertise locally, indeed many people use this service daily.
If you are looking for an expert tarot reading you will get just that on the web.

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Author Barry Hooper at

Occupation: Retired Managing Director/ Independent Article Writer

Independent writer based in Thailand- Retired Company Director Former article writer for UK Newspaper